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Created by Alan Rominger 2015 strictly for learning purposes. Looks up words using a dictionary ( SIL English Wordlist) broken up into xml files and sorted by ordered letter content.
Tools Learned:
I wanted to do this without server-side scripting, in part because I've only just started learning that. Part of it was that the university webspace will not support it anyway. And another part is that I thought the w3schools example somewhat skirted the entire point of javascript xml readers.
That created a bit of a problem with the (>1 MB) dictionary size, which required shifting more of the burden to dictionary pre-processing. I did this through a C# program.
Various parts of this project required: Javascript XMLHttpRequest and C# comparator overrides. Also, I discovered that the automatic C# list sorter can alphabetize a dictionary in about .2 seconds whereas the brute force approach takes 1 hour. I knew that sorting can be heavily optimized but I was still surprised by the magnitude of the difference.